Keeping Storm Spirit Alive: Spring Sports Teams Stay Connected
June 7, 2020
Although the pandemic prevented us from experiencing the spring sports season that we anticipated, there was no stopping the Storm spirit! The adaptability of our SLS athletes was on full display as coaches and captains found creative ways of staying connected with their teams. From the first day of distance learning, athletes sent in videos to the St. Luke’s Storm Instagram page, highlighting the ways they remained active and kept their skills sharp while far away from the fields and courts on the Hilltop. A favorite video of Storm fans showed off the collaboration and impressive stick skills of our boys team passing a ball to each other while the girls’ lacrosse team passed around the hottest product at the time, toilet paper, all while remaining in their own homes.
Girls softball had a clever idea with their “Storm Challenges,” which consisted of workout logs and spirit days. Returning for her second season on the varsity softball team, Shannon Rust ‘22 was excited to participate, and stated that “[t]he Storm challenges were great ways to stay active and connected as a team.”
There was no doubt that the boys baseball team would work together this spring. What better way is there for a team in lockdown to have some face-to-face interactions than Zoom? The baseball team remained connected by logging on to Zoom together to complete workouts. Varsity players Lewis Cropper ‘21 and Justin Higgins ‘23 didn’t let the lack of a spring season deter them from perfecting their craft; both of these athletes were successful in reaching a 90 mph throw.
The girls tennis team also bonded over Zoom workouts and other virtual activities led by senior captain Sadie Vehslage ‘20. The members of the tennis team benefitted from special guests. At their meetings, they welcomed SLS tennis alumni, Elizabeth Laub ‘18, Megan Douglass ‘09, and Katherine Pettee ‘11, who shared their experiences playing tennis at a collegiate level. A particularly fun event was Senior Day, honoring Sadie Vehslage and Meredith Macey. While maintaining social distancing rules, the team wanted to make the day special for their seniors. Led by the Wilton police and fire departments, team members drove by each house honking horns and proudly displaying signs. Additionally, each member of the team wrote messages on tennis balls that they tossed to Sadie and Meredith as they drove by.

Our Storm Athletics Department has also done a tremendous job keeping up Storm Spirit during our time away from the Hilltop. Displaying cardboard cutouts of the senior athletes on their Senior Day is a St. Luke’s tradition, so during Senior Week, the Athletics Department made deliveries to each of the 33 senior athletes’ homes to hand-deliver their cardboard cutouts. The Athletic Department also featured coaches and players on their Instagram page to highlight our accomplished athletes. The culmination of our sports season was the first-ever virtual Athletic Awards Night, which celebrated the athletic year while honoring senior athletes.
The 2020 spring sports season was truly memorable, but not in the way we had hoped. Despite the disappointment of quarantine, the true character and spirit of our athletes, coaches, and staff has shown through. Their hard work and dedication kept their teams connected and should make us all feel proud to be part of the SLS Storm.